What We Can Help You With Solutions You Can Find Here

The Blue Wave Process How it works

Create an Account

Create an account and provide basic information. Your profile is private until you release an RFP-- so don’t worry about sales calls!

Create and Release an RFP

Identify the service(s) you need and release an RFP to vendors from across the country. Use our customizable forms to make sure you ask all the right questions!

Receive and Review Proposals

We will send your RFP to vendors and they will develop a proposal specific to your needs. Once complete, they will submit their proposals, including pricing, directly to you for review.

Communicate with Vendors

Once you receive the proposals, you will be able to request additional information or negotiate with the vendor to identify the best offer.

Choose the Best Vendor

Build your winning team and be a part of the incoming Blue Wave!


About Us Blue Wave Markets is obsessed with one goal: building a Blue Wave across the United States.

Together, we empower Democratic candidates by helping them find the best talent available, at the best price. By opening up the process to vendors across the United States, asking the right questions at the outset with our expertly crafted questionnaires, and making sure you receive bids from several providers for each Request for Proposal, we deliver you the most competitive pricing from the highest quality Democratic vendors in the country. All for free!